AU MA Social Media

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Parental Control App for Smartphones!

Posted by rebeccapfister on July 7, 2014

It’s like, O.M.G. don’t take away my phone! It’s my everything! I need to text with my friends and play this awesome new game. If the previous line sounds way too familiar, fear not. Parents don’t have to take away their kids phone anymore. There’s a new app that allows parents to turn off kid’s smartphone. The app, “DinnerTime Parental Control” gives parents the ability to control time spent on smartphones. Parents can send reminders to their kids informing them they need to study. This app is kind of perfect for parents within the technology driven society. A smartphone wasn’t invented to take away parental duties. Parent’s still should be responsible for their kid’s online activity. There’s no doubt that kids are exposed to more information than earlier generations. Smartphones and technology have derailed kids from thinking critically about information presented in the media. With the new app, parents can take back their parental duties to protect and strengthen their kids’ interpersonal relationships. Kids love to have their smartphone handy and message each other. But, face-to-face interaction can be improved simply by putting down the smartphone. Parents using this app have learned to work with technology and engage more in their kids’ life. It’s not about being overprotected but letting kids remain kids.

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