AU MA Social Media

A class blog about social media.

Facebook Goes Missing and Concerned Call 911

Posted by sarahkana10 on August 4, 2014

We all visit tons of websites everyday- our email accounts, our bank account, Twitter, news outlets, shopping and sports channels.  Occasionally, those sites or pages don’t work as they should and usually, as frustrating as it is, we don’t call 911.

But when FACEBOOK shuts down… people call 911.

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On July 25, when the popular social network suffered its second brief outage in two months, some users in Los Angeles, after getting an error message, called 911.

I won’t lie, the few times when I’ve logged on to Facebook only to have an error message come up, I have wondered if something major was going on in the world. What would happen if Facebook really did shut down, for good? Where would all of our photos go, our conversations and connections?

I think it’s definitely something worth considering, in terms of keeping social media content, maybe even particularly for  company, stored elsewhere in case of another “Facebook” emergency.

One Response to “Facebook Goes Missing and Concerned Call 911”

  1. samrishe said

    When this error occurred this week, the thought that something bad had happened somewhere in the world also crossed my mind. Although calling 911 is excessive and a little insane. People need to calm down just a little; what were they really expecting the police to do about the situation anyways?

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