AU MA Social Media

A class blog about social media.

Who takes home the RING?

Posted by lisaw88 on June 4, 2011

With all of the digital media outlets, who is actually the best? There are many companies and businesses that create electronics and internet sites (and make billions off of us) but in actuality, they are competing against one another to take the throne.

Over the years, I see that currently the top digital “kings” are MAC (Apple) and Google (from a consumer prospective.) They are very diverse when it comes to their products in the cyber world and their electronic devices. A lot of companies market and sale their products because their name can stand on its own. For example, AT&T (personally) is at the top of the charts because they partnered with Apple and there are so many fans of the iphone and other “i” products. Moreover, Google has its own sites, search engines, e-mail accounts, phones and computers too! Before Google expanded, I thought that its biggest competition was Yahoo! but I think that Yahoo! has fallen off the tracks and downed their social media presence, it’s not what it use to be.

Commonly used social networks, Facebook and Twitter. Facebook takes more time to use and is more personal compared to Twitter where all you can do is make statuses (in 140 characters or less) and post pictures. It’s a close call, but it looks like we have a tie. From moms to politicians have Twitter accounts and they faithfully post everyday but then you have Facebook, where you can see more and learn more about a person from all of their information that is own the site. At one point in time MySpace was the next best thing but what happened? How did Facebook steal the fame? When I went to my MySpace page, my last login was almost 2 years ago (and I don’t even remember logging in then.)

There may be a point in time when the less used social and digital media rises again, but in order for that to happen, is based on what they bring to the table that will attract and keep our attention.

There is so much pressure amongst all of these digital and social media outlets (not just the one’s mentioned above) but I think that out of all of them someone has to take the crown.

You be the judge…..

2 Responses to “Who takes home the RING?”

  1. Jabbar said

    In my perspective, each one of the gigantic electronics companies complement to the other, and no one is the best. We can see Google, for example, enjoys a tremendous popularity in area of search engine optimization while the others not.

  2. Good analysis, Lisa! You’re right that name recognition can carry a company far. While it is possible that a less used digital tool rises again, I find it unlikely (my opinion). Part of the problem is that people become leery of older tools when they know there’s something newer and better. The real interest of course is wondering what will come out next to knock out a current throne sitter.

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